Palah 파랗 Light Lab
A creative and critical community for queer and feminist new media.

Palah 파랗-
[ Korean. Pronounciation: pa-ra ]
1. blue
[ Korean. Pronounciation: pa-ra ]
1. blue
맑은 가을 하늘이나 깊은 바다와 같이 밝고 선명하게 푸르다.
A color being brightly and vividly blue like that of a clear fall sky or deep sea.
A color being brightly and vividly blue like that of a clear fall sky or deep sea.
Blue light
“Blue light, with wavelengths shorter than 440–450 nm, is the most energetic radiation of the visible spectrum for the human eye, and its possible multiple effects on the human nervous and other systems have become a line of research by many investigators. The use of mobile devices whose screens emit various amounts of blue light is common nowadays.”
Jorge a Calvo-Sanz & Carlos E Tapia-Ayuga, “Blue light emission spectra of popular mobile devices,” Chronobiology International 37, no. 7 (2020): 1016–1022
“Blue light, with wavelengths shorter than 440–450 nm, is the most energetic radiation of the visible spectrum for the human eye, and its possible multiple effects on the human nervous and other systems have become a line of research by many investigators. The use of mobile devices whose screens emit various amounts of blue light is common nowadays.”
Jorge a Calvo-Sanz & Carlos E Tapia-Ayuga, “Blue light emission spectra of popular mobile devices,” Chronobiology International 37, no. 7 (2020): 1016–1022
Palah 파랗 Light Lab is a creative and critical space that fosters poetry, participation, and pedagogy through technology and equity. As a knowledge-design, new media, and poetry lab, the Palah Light Lab investigates critical questions in cultural criticism along with the networked arts and humanities. Utilizing a feminist and queer-centered approach, we are interested in design anchored in the humanities and scholarship informed by transdisciplinary practices and technology. Palah Light Lab centers the question of equity at the forefront of our work, and we seek to creatively and critically engage new media in experimental ways that address pressing social issues and injustices.
The lab is led by Dr. Margaret Rhee and based between The New School, New York and the University at Buffalo, New York. Student leaders as organizers, researchers, and fellows help co-direct the lab. It was previously funded by the SUNY Diversity Faculty Fellowship and currently funded by The New School Provost Office. The lab promotes feminist creativity, mentorship, and collaboration through a creative space.
Read more about the current lab cohort here.
What we do
Our ongoing projects include:
Social practice workshops for graduate students in arts, humanities, and technology studies
Editorial book and academic journal projects
Development of technologies and practices in equity
- Community art events and discussions
Read more about our upcoming events here.
︎ @palahlightlab
︎ @palahlightlab
Palah 파랗 Light Lab is based between the following institutions:

Web design by Johann Yamin, built with’s Post-Dust template
Digital Scholarship Studio and Network, University at Buffalo
Gender Institute, University at Buffalo
Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab, Michigan State University
The Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab, University of Southern California
The Maker Lab in the Humanities (MLab), University of Victoria
Trope Tank, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Metalab, Harvard University
The Transformative Play Lab, University of California, Irvine
Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley