Announcing Palah Light Lab 23/24
March 21, 2023
by Margaret Rhee
The Palah Light Lab is excited to share our plans for Spring and Fall 2023 with more information forthcoming. Our Lab Leads this year include Rachid Benharrousse, Jocelyn E. Marshall, and Sarah Sgro and we are grateful for their leadership and visions for the lab this year. Their bios are below.
Based between the University at Buffalo and The New School, our new cohort includes returning fellows from UB and other campuses, new fellows from The New School’s Media Studies MA and Creative Writing MFA, and a small group of invited fellows who have previously collaborated with Palah. Projects and events this semester include a Palah blog and podcast, a reading celebrating the release of Huan He’s The Sandman with George Abraham and Sarah Sgro, an end-of-semester critical-creative symposium, and more.
If you are interested in participating in public events and hearing about our next call for cohort members, please fill out the contact form below. Thank you for your interest and please be in touch if there are any questions. Check out this space for further information and announcements!
Sarah Sgro, Managing Editor of PLL Blog and Research Assistant Liaison
Sarah Sgro is a PhD candidate in English at the University at Buffalo where she studies the relationship between digital waste and queer digital futures. She is the author of the full-length poetry collection If The Future Is A Fetish (YesYes Books 2019) and received her MFA from the University of Mississippi. Her work appears in Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, BOAAT, The Offing, and other publications.
Jos (Jocelyn E. Marshall), Director of Programming
Jocelyn E. Marshall is Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Writing, Literature, & Publishing at Emerson College. Their scholarly and curatorial projects focus on contemporary U.S.-based women and LGBTQ+ artists, researching the relationships between intertextual practice, displaced positionality, and traumatic experience. Her critical and creative work have appeared in the Journal of American Culture, Public Art Dialogue, Tripwire: A Journal of Poetics, Assaracus: A Journal of Gay Poetry, and elsewhere. Some recent projects include: Being In-Between / In-Between Being (2020-21), a virtual exhibition and event series; Trauma-Informed Pedagogy: Addressing Gender-based Violence in the Classroom (Emerald Publishing, 2022), a collection co-edited with Dr. Candace Skibba; the Feminist Interview Project Series at Art Journal Open, co-edited with Dr. Katherine Guinness; and the 2023 Rejoinder journal issue on “Textual-Sexual-Spiritual: Artistic Practice and Other Rituals as Queer Becoming and Beyond.”
Rachid Benharrousse, Research Director
Rachid Benharrousse is a Doctoral Candidate at Mohammed V University in Rabat. He was an Early Career Researcher at the Association of Middle Eastern Women’s Studies (AMEWS), and a Research participant of Digital Studies at Digital Self-Determination Research Sprint at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University. Benharrousse was an Early Career Researcher at the African Academy for Migration Research (AAMR) at the University of Witwatersrand, a Researcher at the Palah Light Lab at the University at Buffalo, SUNY, and a Research Collaborator at the Paris Institute for Critical Thinking (PICT).
Contact Form:

︎ @palahlightlab
︎ @palahlightlab
Palah 파랗 Light Lab is based between the following institutions:

Web design by Johann Yamin, built with’s Post-Dust template
Digital Scholarship Studio and Network, University at Buffalo
Gender Institute, University at Buffalo
Digital Humanities & Literary Cognition Lab, Michigan State University
The Humanities and Critical Code Studies Lab, University of Southern California
The Maker Lab in the Humanities (MLab), University of Victoria
Trope Tank, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Metalab, Harvard University
The Transformative Play Lab, University of California, Irvine
Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California, Berkeley